Dragonball Z and other Dragonball anime series is now still one of most Favorited by children even adults, and I think it will be still loved till tomorrow, the fact is Dragonball this day is sill reproduced by some fan of it, the Dragonball Z Kai is a new creation and production even with same story line as Akira Toriyama created but it's a fact that Dragonball Z is still be loved by many community, other fact is the new sorces that create new story about dragon ball animated that' name Dragoon Ball AF, according to me the secret is about it's concept story, the Dragonball has very simple story which the kid Son Gokou that will be a hero in the future, but the story is universal that tell about the reality of real life, the concept of Dragonball has good moral value by the creator, it is like the creator wants to send a very important rule in life, Son Gokou has a good character and nice guy but he is strong and like help everyone.

New Dragon Ball Z Desktop Backgrounds

New Dragon Ball Z Desktop Backgrounds

New Dragon Ball Z Desktop Backgrounds

New Dragon Ball Z Desktop Backgrounds

New Dragon Ball Z Desktop Backgrounds
Beside the concept, Dragonball has very important thing, it's in the concept art and design of the animation/manga, the character is so friendly and cool, and the concept art design of the character when it become stronger it give so cool and strong impression to everyone who watch it, like when Son Gokou and other Saiyan clan become Super Saiyan, you see that it's so impressive and make everyone amazed, beside them other cool concept art and design act in other Saiyan like some evils like when Freeza, Cell, or Majin Bhu have got angry and then explode their powers, it look incredible right. So this is about Dragoball Z and it's recently existence and if even this hasn't relation about the Dragoball Z New desktop wallpapers but, at least I share some of the new best Dragoball Z New desktop wallpapers that are so attractive.
And to save these Dragoball Z New desktop wallpapers CTRL+S I like the last image. I still wonder why Akira Toriyama had no intention of continuing this great anime ever, :).