So long I didn't post about some dragon type and dragon element, just long time ago I shared about water dragon and ice dragon, and this time it seems so good chance to write about best water dragon pictures and wallpapers. This year according to the Chinese mythology is the year of water dragon, yeah we know this water dragon. Water dragon is dragon that has water element it's different of ice dragon, the water dragon has power to shoot the waves and strong water with the form it wishes to describe it.

Best Water Dragon Pictures

Best Water Dragon Pictures

Best Water Dragon Pictures

Best Water Dragon Pictures

Best Water Dragon Pictures

Best Water Dragon Pictures
The year of water dragon according to the Chinese mythology (feng shui) has many meaning, some analyst and expert have different arguments and interpretations, they said the year of water dragon means a beginning of many disaster, just like water the disaster that will face earth in this world is something related with water like flood, landslide, earthquake and other water disaster. But according to one expert from Indonesia he said that this year is a good year to start t make change for our life, "lets start this year with new spirit and full of enthusiast, because this year is a very good year" he said.
In the pictures above I shared some best and cool of water dragons, as we see there is beautiful girls with her water dragons, there is also warrior of water dragon that is very cool, and there is great water dragon with very strong energy surround it's body, so whatever happen we must be positive thinking and optimistic and we surrender our everything to our God. And the water dragon wallpapers will be post after this.