
Friday, August 17, 2012

HTTYD Book of Dragons, Stoker Class

After I share the post of book of dragons yesterday this time is to show more information about the dragons mentioned in the book, the first dragon category is stoker class, the stoker class dragons are known to be the fire breather dragon types, they are true of fire breathers, like these fire dragons that I have shared many of them here. the stoker class dragons in the book there have been given two dragons that included this category, the two are monstrous nightmare and terrible terror. note in this article I shorten How To Train Your Dragon with "HTTYD".

HTTYD Book of Dragons, Stoker Class

Book of Dragons, Stoker Class-Terrible Terror Monstrous Nightmare
Stoker Class Dragon, Live with Monstrous Nightmare

Book of Dragons, Stoker Class-Terrible Terror Monstrous Nightmare
Stoker Class Dragon, Two terrible terror dragons playing each other

Book of Dragons, Stoker Class-Terrible Terror Monstrous Nightmare
Cute Terrible Terror, One of dragon under Stoker dragon class

Book of Dragons, Stoker Class-Terrible Terror Monstrous Nightmare
Icon of Stoker Class Dragon, The Monstrous Nightmare

Book of Dragons, Stoker Class-Terrible Terror Monstrous Nightmare
Monstrous Nightmare with friends, One of dragon under Stoker dragon class

The stoker class dragons are also known as fierce types of dragons, they are very lively and active, like terrible terror dragon, also if they had have trainers, they 100% don't obey their order and comments, because they still have own will and ways to do many things.

Monstrous Nightmare

First is Monstrous nightmare dragon, this fire dragon is one the very glowing fire dragon type, I think you have known and see this dragon in the HTTYD movie, yeah it's under Snotloud trainer, the fire flames surrounded it's body. In this Book of Dragon film, Monstrous dragon appeared in front of Bork the Bold. When Bork and his unnamed darling, they two sat by a campfire and fried corns on it when a Monstrous Nightmare was attracted by the scent of the corns, Bork's woman then ask him to beat it but the dragon was unbeatable with Bork's frying pan, then the dragon run away to it's place, Bork also followed it and beat the dragon with the corns as a weapon, but the dragon lighted up it's entire body with flames and it burned Bork and the corns became popcorn.

Terrible Terror

Second, Terrible Terror dragon, this dragon is little and small body but they are very active and used to come with groups, they like cheating the food like what Bork experienced it in his picnic, the groups of terrible terrors robbed all his foods. by the way the dragon is also cute like baby.

Tips for Stoker Class

Knowing this story of Bork with the stoker class dragons, terrible terror or monstrous nightmare Hiccup then gives tips to make them tamed and to train them loyal, Hiccup said it could by giving them some respect and a gentle hand its snout. so if we trained them well we won't get fire anymore. and special for terrible terror, you could distract it's terror by shining a light on the ground.