
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dragon Fruits Farming And Tips Part 3

Dragon Fruits Farming And Tips Part 3

Dragon Fruits Farm

Dragon Fruits Farm

Dragon Fruits Farm

Dragon Fruits Farm

Dragon Fruits Farm

Dragon Fruits Farm

Dragon Fruits Farm

If you love something really exotic and really awarding and have the plain, hot tropical sun free from any shadow from early sunrise to late sunset, then growing dragon fruit cactus is easy. Go visit a dragon fruit farm and chose a variety of your preference. White dragon fruit of purple dragonfruit. The taste is nearly the same. Ask the dragon fruit farmer to give you a few segments of a dragon fruit cactus. Such segments are about 20-40 cm long. Cut the lower half of the segment and place into soil. 8 months later you may have your own first delicious and truly exotic tasting dragonfruits! Replace old dragonfruit cacti after about 3-4 years. The older the cactus, the smaller the fruits. If you plant too many cacti-seedlings on a single pole, then the dragonfruit plant may lack nutrients and produce small fruits. Be generous to nature and nature will be generous to you. Mingle dragonfruit cacti among flowers, vegetables or in a shadow free neighborhood to other blooming or fruit bearing trees.

Growing dragon fruit cacti is easy and maintenance free. Below pictures show you the basic steps on how to grow your own dragonfruit cactus. Remember that dragon fruit cactus loves plain tropical hot sun from as early as possible in the morning until as late as possible in evenings. Hence plant your dragonfruit cacti in plain sun, outside of shadow from houses, trees or nearby hills or mountains. In addition, dragonfruit cactus prefers NO standing water during rainy season, hence NO flat areas that might be flooded for days or weeks during rainy season!

When you look at the pictures above with fully grown dragon fruit plants (cactus), then you see that on top of the supporting pole is a ring or wheel made of wood that allows the cactus to grow outside and then grow down outside the supporting ring made of wood. If you make this supporting ring too high, then you may need a ladder to harvest the dragon fruits. Thus a height of 2 to maximum 3 meters might be ideal for easy harvesting.

Give the cactus cut a supporting pole to climb. If you plant your cactus cut directly at the final location, then there is NO need to attach the cactus to the pole as here in the picture. A newly cut segment of a dragon fruit cactus plant is placed about half its length into soil, other half above soil - right next to a 2-3 meter high pole you place deep into the soil for support of the cactus plant. A dragon fruit cactus climbs up and grows some kind of air-roots that hold onto the pole or even onto a plain concrete wall without string or attachment! The attachment on the picture only is needed when small dragonfruit cactus seedlings are first grown in a nursery and later relocated at final location.

Dragon fruit cactus grow fast. From a small young cactus seedling - a cut segment of an old dragon fruit cactus - to fruit bearing dragonfruit plant approximately 8 months only!
Tips By