Dragon Fruit
Dragon Fruit And It's Benefits
Dragon fruit was originally called pitaya, because of the scales on its body. It is a beautiful fruit with an intense color and shape and also with dazzling flowers. As it blooms in night, it is also called Moonflower, Queen of the night and Lady of the Night. Usually the fruit is in dark red color, it may also be found in yellow or pink color. The rind of this fruit is covered with big green scales. In the center of the fruit, sweet pulp is present in white or red color, with small black seeds. The nutritional benefits of this fruit is making it very popular choice among people. Read on to know more about the nutritional and health benefits of dragon fruit.
Here we will try to uncover the benefits of dragon fruit. The fruit is very attractive to everyone, in addition to unique and surprising, but the fruit is also rich in benefits contained in the flesh dragon fruit. This fruit including fruit that fall into the category of expensive fruit. The fruit is expensive because the treatment is complicated, long and require special attention and also the most important benefits that this fruit is included an expensive fruit in the market.
This fruit including tropical fruit and live in the highlands. This fruit has been much cultivated in various countries ranging from Indonesia, Malaysia??, China and countries that have the potential of other dragon fruit. So for those of you who like to eat dragon fruit does not need to worry hard to find.
Health Benefits of Dragon Fruit
This Dragon fruit is a good fruit that has myriad benefits to human body such as balancing blood sugar levels, protecting oral health, prevention of colon cancer, reduce cholesterol, preventing bleeding and treating vaginal discharge complaints and still many others. There is no size limit for taking them. This fruit can be eaten directly, also can be used as drink relaxed. Dragon fruit is usually consumed in the form of fresh fruit as relieving thirst, because the dragon fruit contains high moisture content of about 90% of the weight of the fruit. It was pretty sweet because they contain sugar content reaches 13-18 briks. Dragon fruit can also be expressed in the form of juice, fruit juice, sweets and jam or various forms of presentation according to your tastes.
Actually, this dragon fruit is the flower of the plant are still a family with a cactus. Sharp spiny trunk and all stem leaves that resemble a hard stem. At first flower-shaped and gradually enlarged and has flower in her flesh. So when the bung is becoming increasingly large, then looked like a fruit, and if seen are ready to harvest the fruit can be eaten without having to go through a long process first. But maintain the cleanliness need to be washed first to avoid the chemicals that might be stuck on the dragon fruit.
Experts agree the dragon fruit is rich in protein, potassium, ferum, fiber, calcium and sodium are good for health compared with other fruits. Research has also shown the red dragon fruit is excellent for the circulatory system, and also gives effect to reduce the emotion and neutralize toxins in the blood. Also, studies also show that this fruit can prevent colon cancer. Dragon fruit contains sugar levels: 13-18 briks, Phosphorus: 8.7 mg, Water: 90%, Carbohydrate: 11.5 g, Vitamin C: 9.4 mg, Acid: 0.139 g, Calcium: 134.5 mg, Protein: 0.53 g, Fiber: 0.71 g, and Magnesium: 60.4 mg. So many benefits of dragon fruit. consumption of this fruit every day to maintain a healthy body.