
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Shenron The Dragon

Shenron The Dragon
Shenron Dragon, Shenron The Dragon, Dragon Ball Shenron, Dragon in Dragon Ball Shenron The Dragon

Shenron Dragon, Shenron The Dragon, Dragon Ball Shenron, Dragon in Dragon Ball Shenron The Dragon

Shenron Dragon, Shenron The Dragon, Dragon Ball Shenron, Dragon in Dragon Ball Shenron The Dragon

Shenron Dragon, Shenron The Dragon, Dragon Ball Shenron, Dragon in Dragon Ball Shenron The Dragon

Shenron Dragon, Shenron The Dragon, Dragon Ball Shenron, Dragon in Dragon Ball Shenron The Dragon

Shenron Dragon, Shenron The Dragon, Dragon Ball Shenron, Dragon in Dragon Ball Shenron The Dragon

Shenron Dragon, Shenron The Dragon, Dragon Ball Shenron, Dragon in Dragon Ball Shenron The Dragon

Shenron Dragon, Shenron The Dragon, Dragon Ball Shenron, Dragon in Dragon Ball Shenron The Dragon

Shenron Dragon, Shenron The Dragon, Dragon Ball Shenron, Dragon in Dragon Ball Shenron The Dragon

Shenron is the dragon in the film and comic Dragon Ball or Dragon Ball Z, Shenron much people are interested in searching and collecting the seven balls of dragon ball, that is because Shenron has ability to create a with and make it true including immortal live but this is only once, this ability is very special and has spread in whole galaxies.

Sheron is the dragon that is from "Namec" planet the green planet that Picollo came from he came in the earth with one Namec people, Shenron form and body was like snake and just like Chinese dragon commonly, but in the planet Namec Shenron has big size and like fat man. Shenron will not appear till when the seven of dragon ball were collected and united and in that time he will appear and ready to make a wish and make it comes true adn the original Shenron that is from Namec planet can make three whises.

Shenron is too interesting and it has drawn much communities include evil, like Freeza, Cell, and more.