
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Komodo Dragon

Komodo Dragon
komodo Dragon komodo Dragon

komodo Dragon komodo Dragon

komodo Dragon komodo Dragon

komodo Dragon komodo Dragon

komodo Dragon komodo Dragon

komodo Dragon komodo Dragon

komodo Dragon komodo Dragon

Yesterday ago I had ever shared about Ckomodo Dragons and now I want to share about komodo Dragon. komodo dragon and Komodo dragon are the same meaning but it is just different in the letter "C and K" that may be there is a controversial of it.

So now I want to post about some beautiful pictures and scenes of komodo dragons.

komodo Dragon is a different thing of the Dragon creature commonly, it is a naturally certain creature has been created by our God in past periods ago, but some people said that komodo Dragon was an Evolution of the Dinosaurs in long period ago.

As I know that komodos Dragon are recently in Indonesia which they took place in an komodo Island that there is no place like this island in the world, It means that komodo Dragon is almost extinct. So that in this year 2010 there is a program named "Vote the new most wonderful of world".

This program supposed and suggested us to vote the new most wonderful place in the world and the komodo Island is one of the contestants of this nobly program.

komodo Dragon is also made for film animation like the great komodo Dragon picture in the picture above. and about the dangerousness komodo Dragon is so dangerous if this komodo Dragon is still wild and not trained well so it is recommeded for parents to protect their children fo amongst komodo Dragon area even if komodo Dragon is tame because I think the dangerous happening may happen anytime.

So that is about komodo Dragon pictures and scenes I hope it is useful for you.