
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Comodo Dragon

Comodo Dragon

Comodo Dragon Comodo Dragon In beach.

Comodo Dragon Beautiful picture of Comodo Dragon

Comodo Dragon Comodo Dragon is walking away.

Comodo Dragon Comodo Dragon is taking rest.

Comodo Dragon Comodo Dragon gaping

Comodo Dragon Comodo Dragon is taking walk around the grasses.

Comodo Dragon Comodo Dragon is near of beach.

Comodo Dragon Comodo Dragon with boy.

Comodo Dragon Comodo Dragon eating.

Comodo Dragon is a different thing of the Dragon creature commonly, it is a naturally certain creature has been created by our God in past periods ago, but some people said that Comodo Dragon was an Evolution of the Dinosaurs in long period ago.

As I know that Comodos Dragon are recently in Indonesia which they took place in an Comodo Island that there is no place like this island in the world, It means that Comodo Dragon is almost extinct. So that in this year 2010 there is a program named "Vote the new most wonderful of world".

This program supposed and suggested us to vote the new most wonderful place in the world and the Comodo Island is one of the contestants of this nobly program.