
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Dragon Ball Z Info Pictures

Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z is the second series of Dragon Ball film and episodes, The story began when Gokou that had married with Chichi has a son, and Goku name it "Son Gohan" the name of his grandfather who took care of Goku's life when Goku was child and even a baby.

Dragon Ball Z 
Dragon Ball Z, Big Son Gohan

Dragon Ball Z 
Dragon Ball Z, Characters

Dragon Ball Z 
Dragon Ball Z, Goku Vs Raditz

Dragon Ball Z 
Dragon Ball Z, Son Gokou Super Saiyan Level 3

Dragon Ball Z 
Dragon Ball Z, Son Gokou

Dragon Ball Z 
Dragon Ball Z, Son Gokou Super Saiyan Transformations

Dragon Ball Z Story

The story of Dragon Ball Z began when this family live then there come to them and the world one Saiyan man named "Raditz" Raditz looked for son Goku and claim that he was his brother but the aim of RAditz is to fight Goko and show his Saiyan true power, and finally Raditz met Goku and the fight also finally begins, but it's amazed SonGoku who is the strongest man in the world couldn't beat Raditz and even Raditz beats son Goku because of his big power.

When Goku was almost killed by Radits but it's fortunately Goku was saved by Picollo, and when Goku was alsmost killed by Raditz there is an amazing Incident that Son Gohan, the Goku's first child release his inside power and then save his father, and finally Goku defeated Raditz by sacrifice his life, and Goku was death with Raditz together. But the story has not been over but it's just also begin.

White Dragon White Pictures

White Dragon White Pictures

White dragon is popular with a tame or unbeast dragon types, White dragon usually have good behavior or attitudes and many people love it especially women. White dragon many of them are female and it is often related with a girls or virgin, that's why white dragon is often took photo with girls and women.

White Dragon Pictures 
White Dragon Picture

White Dragon Pictures 
White Dragon Picture

White Dragon Pictures 
White Dragon Picture

White Dragon Pictures
White Dragon Picture

White Dragon Pictures 
White Dragon Picture

White dragon are also the beast and wild dragon character, it is usually male white dragon, but it is only a bit of them. The element of white dragons are variety, there are white dragon with wind element, white dragon with water element, white dragon with snow, ice element and there are also white dragon that has lightening element that is most powerful amongst of them.

In Chinese traditional myth white dragon also known as a symbol of peace and brings luck and affection, according to them white dragon can save and maintain the sky from the evil's disturbance and save from the disaster, it can also manage the storm and make it balance.  Chinese white dragon has different shape and form than other white dragon generally, it has long shape with tall of body, four feet and two horns, it has also snouts, just like in th first picture.

In Yu-Gi-Oh white dragon is used as one of the most powerful card and dragon beast that has special blue eyes, it's popular with "Blue Eyes White Dragon", it has As card and considered as most lucky card in the hand's player. There are so many myths and interesting stories about white dragons that many writers and drafters wrote about white dragon from fantasy stories princess stories and much others that I don't mention this time, So this is about white dragon I hope this is useful.

Best Ubuntu Dragon Wallpapers 3

Best Ubuntu Dragon Wallpapers


Best Ubuntu Dragon Wallpapers, Ubuntu Dragon Wallpapers Best Ubuntu Dragon Wallpaper

Best Ubuntu Dragon Wallpapers, Ubuntu Dragon Wallpapers Best Ubuntu Dragon Wallpaper

Best Ubuntu Dragon Wallpapers, Ubuntu Dragon Wallpapers Best Ubuntu Dragon Wallpaper

Best Ubuntu Dragon Wallpapers, Ubuntu Dragon Wallpapers Best Ubuntu Dragon Wallpaper

These are ones of the Best Ubuntu Dragon Wallpapers, There are Best Ubuntu Dragon Wallpapers for Mac, Windows, and Ubuntu, and to save these Best Ubuntu Dragon Wallpapers press Ctrl+S, thanks for you.

Dragon Sleeve Tattoo Ideas

Dragon Sleeve Tattoos

Sleeve is on a favorite part of body skin to set a tattoo on it, Sleeve is the part of body that is for men is so suitable and feasible to install any tattoo in it like a Dragon Sleeve Tattoos, any sleeve tattoos is good if the user is men, but not women, that is because average woman's sleeve is not bigger and muscled than men's. the men who want to be good and looks great if it is set a tattoos must be big and muscle, but if it is not so, it is enough to be installed tattoo in simple sleeves.

Dragon Sleeve Tattoos 
 Dragon Sleeve Tattoos

Dragon Sleeve Tattoos 
 Dragon Sleeve Tattoos

Dragon Sleeve Tattoos 
 Dragon Sleeve Tattoos

Dragon Sleeve Tattoos 
 Dragon Sleeve Tattoos

Dragon Sleeve Tattoos 
 Dragon Sleeve Tattoos

Dragon Sleeve Tattoos 
 Dragon Sleeve Tattoos

Dragon Sleeve Tattoos 
 Dragon Sleeve Tattoos

Dragon Sleeve Tattoos are most favorite and most used by men who are using Dragon Sleeve Tattoo, there are two types of Dragon Sleeve Tattoos, Dragon Sleeve Tattoos designs, and Tribal Dragon Sleeve Tattoos. In these pictures I give some pictures of Dragon Sleeve Tattoos that you can use it or to be an inspiration for you to select Dragon Sleeve Tattoos and tribal Dragon Sleeve Tattoos on your arm.

There is also Dragon Half Sleeve Tattoos that my be I will post next time. Sleeve tattoos are more favorite and used by recent men this days and ago, that is because this type of tattoos looks more great and gentle if it is set on their skin.

So these are Dragon Sleeve Tattoos and Tribal Dragon Sleeve Tattoos with various designs and types for you thanks.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Mystery Class Book of Dragons

We have com to the last category relating dragon class in the book of dragons, and last class s mystery class. Yes as you've heard it's name, the mystery class is dragon that has not known all specific information regarding this dragon, because it still has unrevealed personalities and whatever they can do. it's a mystery. First dragon that's under this category is Changewing, Changewing is also used as the logo/symbol of mystery dragon.

Changewing is one most unique kind of dragon which has ability to change his skin scales appearance colours, whenever he stay in everyplace, if you know the chameleon? yes it's absolutely like this, Changewing did this as camouflage, so you will need keen eyes to spot one of them.

How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Mystery Class & Wallpapers
 How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Mystery Class & Wallpapers
 Book of Dragons, Mystery Class & Changewing

How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Mystery Class & Wallpapers
 Book of Dragons, Changewing Mystery Class & Wallpapers

Changewing is a funny dragon, because he has behavior to mimic someone or everything he saw, he loved to imitate moves and viking's doings, this like what Bork the bold gone through, that's when Bork the Bold went picnic and built the campfire, he was followed by Changewing secretly, and he was hide and change his skin near of home and boat, but Bork felt something weird among him, but he didn't see anything because Changewing played as camouflage. And Changewing also hide in the wood of tree then he blow up Bork with his mouth, Changewing was so naughty dragon.

How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Mystery Class & Wallpapers
 Book of Dragons, Mystery Class Changewing

Book of Dragons, Mystery Class & Wallpapers
 Book of Dragons, Mystery Class & Wallpapers

Other capabilities of Changewing that he can spit acid instead of fire, that he use to burn it's foe/predator or when he was threatened. It's spitting acid is very dangerous because it can make wood molten when he spit it that wood or other potential threat. Changewing has large of wings has also horns in his face and something like antennae as an appendage like his ears, If I notice his body, I think Changewing's shape it's more likely one of tropical plants, with his long tail like plant too.
 How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Mystery Class & Wallpapers
 Book of Dragons, Mystery Class & Wallpapers

How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Mystery Class & Wallpapers
  Changewing Book of Dragons, Mystery Class & Wallpapers

And the other one is Boneknapper dragon, I think you have seen and known this dragon mistery, because it has been filmed before and it has very nice movie story to see. Boneknapper dragon is a bone hunter and seeker, they scoured many lands to find some or many bones he need, and the aim is to use it as his perfect armor, that armor can be very essential to activate it's ability and action like roaring, and the best story for this experience is Gobber's adventure with this Boneknapper dragon as you watched in the film.


Boneknapper dragon is most mythical dragon among vikings because this dragon is rare to find and everyone in Berk almost no one did see it in long times, that's why they didn't believe what Gobber's story. The best tips and trik to train and make friend with this dragon is to give him whatever he's looking for as Gobber said. So by this post my job to share this dragons classes has done and I can focused to the next post.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Strike Class, Book of Dragons

It's time for strike class dragons. The dragons that lived in viking age, are mostly dangerous and have extreme abilities, like in the stoker class dragons, just say monstrous nightmare, it he can cover his body with flames, and it's one most talented fire dragon in that time. And this time we have same great dragons with unique abilities in strike class, they are skrill dragon and night furry dragon, night furry is figured as "Toothless".

Among viking people, strike class dragons are well known as the most intelligent in the range of dragons, they are very smart and very accurate to blast their weapon or to do anything, have lightning speed and their jaws are strong, in this category there are two dragons, skrill and night furry, with Night furry as a symbol of this class.

How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Strike Class & Wallpapers 
 How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Strike Class & Wallpapers 
Book of Dragons, Strike Class, Skrill Dragon
toothless and hiccup
Book of Dragons, Strike Class, Toothless and Hiccup

How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Strike Class & Wallpapers 
 Book of Dragons, Strike Class & Wallpapers, Toothless and Hiccup

How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Strike Class & Wallpapers 
 Book of Dragons, Strike Bork and Willie

How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Strike Class & Wallpapers 
 Book of Dragons, Strike Class & WallpapeR, Toothless and Hiccup

How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Strike Class & Wallpapers 
 Book of Dragons, Strike Class & Wallpaper, Skrill

Skrill & Nightfurry

Skrill dragon is the most unique dragon because it can blow up it's electric weapon with white fire, Skrill dragon only show him self in the electrical storm, in other word Skrill is the dragon with electric element. and if you get close with him so your hairs will stand up on the ends, and this like what Bork ever done, when he played with his trusted sheep named "Willie" then appear in front of them Skrill dragon, suddenly Bork's hair and also Willie's stand up like feathers, it was so funny moment. There is one thing that I think it's boring with skrill, it's his bottom body that's same as some lizard or alligator species. And in other side skrill's body is look similar with monstrous nightmare.


I don't wanna explain more about night furry dragon, yes because you all have known about this dragon, and you should love it too, yes Night furry dragon is figured as Toothless, Hiccup's dragon friend. Night furry dragon is also called as an "unholy offspring of lightning and death" because it's fast, agile, dangerous, amazing fighter, has exploding weapon, black invisible and camouflaged in the dark sky. But he only eat fish. So to know more about night furry and toothless character and personality I think it's better to watch the movie directly. :), these are some best of strike class dragon pictures and wallpapers I hope you like it, thanks.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tidal Class Book of Dragons

We have read several dragon types and their personalities and characters in few days ago, and this time follows other dragon names as filmed in the Book of dragons How To Train Your Dragon, this time is for the Tidal Class. Tidal class of dragons are dragon specimen that are living in the water, I call this class as "water dragon" or "true water dragon" that live in deep ocean, yes because the logo of this tidal class is water dragon Scauldron.

Why I call the dragons as deep sea dragon? because the much of tidal class water dragon have personalities and characters like animals and creatures in the deep ocean, they are weird creatures, unique look, exclusive shapes. Just remind Scauldron and Thunder Drum, they have exclusive personalities and styles. Like they have large body and large mouth, they also have wings and tails like fish's tail.

How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Tidal Class & Wallpapers

How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Tidal Class & Wallpapers
Book of Dragons, Scauldron with Fishlegs. Tidal Class & Wallpapers

How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Tidal Class & Wallpapers
Book of Dragons, Scauldron Tidal Class & Wallpapers

How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Tidal Class & Wallpapers
Book of Dragons, Tidal Class Logo Wallpaper

Scauldron and Thunder Drum

In this underwater class included Scauldron and Thunder Drum. Scauldron dragon has a large round of body, it's stomach is so huge and look fat, as if it contained large number of stuffs, it's neck is thin and long while it stubby legs. Scauldron dragon's looking tame but it very huge size of dragon, Scauldron dragon cannot fly very well due to their small wings, but they are expert and effective to swim. If we look closely what does Scauldron look like in real animal? I think it looks like heron or egret bird.

How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Tidal Class & Wallpapers
Book of Dragons, Tidal Class & Wallpapers

How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Tidal Class & Wallpapers
Thunder Drum, Book of Dragons, Tidal Class.

How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Tidal Class & Wallpapers
Book of Dragons, Tidal Class Scene Bork the Bold

Thunder Drum

While Scauldron is like heron, I think that Thunder Drum is like rayfish with the large mouth specimen because Thunder Drum has it's personalities but it's more weird and fierce. As it's name Thunder Drum has ability to make very loud sounds like thunders, and when it's egg hatches it can produces a noises so loud to miles and also to the sky. This like what Bork undergo, it was when he walk away in winter ice season then he met egg of thunder drum, Bork was curious what it is then he tried to break it, and it finally exploded and blown him up for miles.

Thunder Drum is reclusive in nature, it's very dangerous dragon too, because if they are startled they can launch strong sound that can kill viking/human when they are close to him. Thunder Drum has legs but they are small, it has also large wings that is mainly a tool to make move flows underwater just like tornado. And Thunder Drum is special type of beasts, it has ability to deliver and fire a powerful sonic blast.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fear Class Dragons & Wallpapers

The next one types of dragon in How To Train Your Dragon Book of Dragon classifications is fear class dragons, and include this category there are two names as filmed in the movie, they are Hideous Zippelback and Snaptrapper, different than stoker class, the fear class dragon's hypothetical is Hideous Zippleback as it's logo.

How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Fear Class & Wallpapers

How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Fear Class & Wallpapers
Book of Dragons, Fear Class & Wallpaper, Unique Snaptrapper

How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Fear Class & Wallpapers
Book of Dragons, Fear Class & Wallpaper, Hideous Zippleback

Hideous Zippleback & Snaptrapper

If we watched the movie of HTTYD movies of course we have ever see the two headed dragons in there, these two headed dragons are flown by Ruffnut and Tuffnut Hiccups' friends, yeah the dragon is one of Hideous Zipplebacks. Hideous Zippleback has two personalities that often agreeable each head, the one has own mind either the other so it usually make a nuisance in some event, but sometimes both are in harmonic. Hideous Zippleback has unique weapon in both of the heads, one has green flammable gas that it breathes and another one has ability to ignite that gas with an electrical spark from it's mouth, Bork Gobber's grandfather had unlucky background with this dragon, that when he chased his trusted sheep to the cave, unfortunately the cave was the liar of one Hideous Zippleback, then it played Bork with it's unique weapon to him.

How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Fear Class & Wallpapers
Book of Dragons, Fear Class & Wallpapers, Flying Snaptrapper

How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Fear Class & Wallpapers
Book of Dragons, Fear Class & Wallpaper, Hideous Zippleback

How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Fear Class & Wallpapers
Book of Dragons, Fear Class & Wallpapers, Four Headed Dragon, Snaptrapper Playing Mud with Bork

How To Train Your Dragon Special, Book of Dragons, Fear Class & Wallpapers
Book of Dragons, Fear Class & Wallpaper, Four Headed Dragon, Snaptrapper


Fear class dragons have some characteristics that are quite dangerous, they are quite sneaky and deadly too, that's why vikings must concern and be carefully with this dragon. Beside Hideous Zippleback there is also Snaptrapper. About snaptrapper dragon I think it's one of most unique dragon that he has four heads, it's four headed dragon type and also has three jaws of mouth, its shape reminds me about one kind of wild floral plants in the jungle. Snaptrappers dragon is said to be an extremely dragons, they have ability to make smell like chocolate from their mouth to attract the prey, they also like rain and splash with the mud. This like Bork underwent, Bork has unlucky adventure with this Snaptrapper, in time Bork got relax in the field he was attracted by the chocolate smell of Snaptrapper, he fly to the source of the smell but surprised when he saw Snaptrapper, Snaptrapper then ate and swallowed him, then after seconds it spewed out again. Snaptrapper also like to shed their sharp claws and rough scales but they can regrow again.

How to make friend and train fear class dragons?

Hiccup said that if we want to be friend with Zipplebacks then we must be clever to give them foods, in each heads and we also often play with them too, so they will be tame and like you. So that is about Fear class dragons and you can also make these photos of Fear class dragons as wallpapers. Thanks.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sharp Class HTTYD Book of Dragons & Wallpapers

In the "Book of Dragon" that was pioneered by Bork the Bold there variety of unique dragon characteristics, abilities and dragon's facts, more dragon class this time is sharp class, yes according to this name the sharp class of dragons possessed sharp skins, tails, and other parts of their body, they use this sharp stuffs as a weapon or to do more things, and beside this they also have a generous dose of vanity. the sharp dragon logo and image in the movie of book of dragons, show the dragon of Deadly Nadder. I think you have felt familiar with the Deadly Nadder, yes it's the dragon under the trainer of girl Hiccup friend, it's Astrid, the Deadly Nadder is her best friend too.

HTTYD Book of Dragons, Sharp Class & Wallpapers
  HTTYD Book of Dragons, Sharp Class & Wallpapers
HTTYD Book of Dragons, Sharp Class, Deadly Nadder in Live Exhibition

HTTYD Book of Dragons, Sharp Class & Wallpapers 
HTTYD Book of Dragons, Sharp Class, Amusing Timberjack Cartoon

HTTYD Book of Dragons, Sharp Class & Wallpapers 
HTTYD Book of Dragons, Sharp Class Wallpaper

Deadly Nadder and Timberjack

In Berk, land of vikings there are two dragons which under this classification of sharp class, and as showed in the movie the two are Deadly Nadder, it has sharp poison tails that he can throw away to someone like he did to the Bork the bold. And also Timberjack dragon. Timberjack is dragon with very sharp razor wings with very large wings size, it's massive wings are so sharp that can cut even trees in the forest, and if you know the guillotine which is used to punish some bandits, yes their wings is like that guillotine. One day Bork Gopper's grandfather had bad experience for more times, and this time is so bad, when he hide amongst the trees in the forest from the attacking of Timberjack then quietly he got by Timberjack and become pieces Bork then went away with funny attitude.

HTTYD Book of Dragons, Sharp Class & Wallpapers
HTTYD Book of Dragons, Sharp Class

HTTYD Book of Dragons, Sharp Class & Wallpapers
HTTYD Book of Dragons, Sharp Class, Deadly Nadder Wallpaper

HTTYD Book of Dragons, Sharp Class & Wallpapers
HTTYD Book of Dragons, Sharp Class Timberjack Wallpaper

How To Train Sharp Class Dragons

In this case Astrid gives some advise and tips to make friend and train with Deadly Nadder, She said "whenever you walk near a Deadly Nadder's sharp poison thorn tail you must show that you're not a threat to him, and if so Deadly Nadder will lower its thorns and let you touch its tail".
In case Timberjack the tips is related with it's wide and large wings, with it's massive wings Timberjack could not scratch it's back because of wide span, so the tips for you to make friend with Tmberjack and train it you can scratch it's itch, so he would be very happy with you.

So these are HTTYD Book of Dragons, Sharp Class as the continues of the "Book of dragons", I also tagged some best dragon Deadly Nadder and Timberjack wallpapers that are so cool and you might need it. To save do it "CTRL+S" the files are in the folder.