
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

White Dragon White Pictures

White Dragon White Pictures

White dragon is popular with a tame or unbeast dragon types, White dragon usually have good behavior or attitudes and many people love it especially women. White dragon many of them are female and it is often related with a girls or virgin, that's why white dragon is often took photo with girls and women.

White Dragon Pictures 
White Dragon Picture

White Dragon Pictures 
White Dragon Picture

White Dragon Pictures 
White Dragon Picture

White Dragon Pictures
White Dragon Picture

White Dragon Pictures 
White Dragon Picture

White dragon are also the beast and wild dragon character, it is usually male white dragon, but it is only a bit of them. The element of white dragons are variety, there are white dragon with wind element, white dragon with water element, white dragon with snow, ice element and there are also white dragon that has lightening element that is most powerful amongst of them.

In Chinese traditional myth white dragon also known as a symbol of peace and brings luck and affection, according to them white dragon can save and maintain the sky from the evil's disturbance and save from the disaster, it can also manage the storm and make it balance.  Chinese white dragon has different shape and form than other white dragon generally, it has long shape with tall of body, four feet and two horns, it has also snouts, just like in th first picture.

In Yu-Gi-Oh white dragon is used as one of the most powerful card and dragon beast that has special blue eyes, it's popular with "Blue Eyes White Dragon", it has As card and considered as most lucky card in the hand's player. There are so many myths and interesting stories about white dragons that many writers and drafters wrote about white dragon from fantasy stories princess stories and much others that I don't mention this time, So this is about white dragon I hope this is useful.