We ever know that dragon is one most popular beasts or character of animation that we often see it or hear it, yest dragon is most popular about it's power and strong that other beasts don't have it, they are wellknown with it's big body and shapes, they are also famous with unique and
interesting form and design that always make everyone amazed with it, thus dragon have been made in many programs and entertainment, so dragon is filmed, drawn, painted, used as a character in comics, animated and more program.
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Just like in picture, it is ice dragon animation in some game of fantasy dragon game. Not only that dragon is used in many logo of different program or game, like the dragon logo in Dragon Age Game and in many corporations. In this time I would like to share about some of best cool dragons.
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If we talk about cool dragon, I think there are many of cool dragons that we have see it either in movies, tales, or games. But this chance it would be very nice if I select some cool dragons that according to me they are quit cool dragon that have different and cool shapes, elements, types or weapon, just like in the picture above me, there is a cool dragon, it is cool dragon knight, we can see the cool dragon with cool knight panorama, they are both cool, dragon knight is in one of dragon games.
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And this is also one of cool dragon, it is cool fire dragon, it's fire element is amazing, the flames is smolder and up, many people said it's nae is "God Dragon Fire", and for me it looks like dragon warrior with powerful fire element, it's unbeatable.
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It is cool dragon wind or "
wind dragon", things that make it cool is it's form that like human being has two legs and hands, and it's wings are so beautiful and that is very different from other flying dragon that have wings, the tail is also cool it's fly fighter.
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And this is cool Chinese dragon, it's different type of dragon in any images in this post, do you still remember about Shenron dragon in the
Dragon Ball animation? yes it's Asian dragon that is identical with Chinese creature. it' has long body with four legs, it's usually fly on the sky with very beautiful body waves.
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It's cool dragon picture in scene it's actually black dragon type with
red background very beautiful and scene and of course cool too. This scene in one of game that make dragon as one character in it. it appear the knight behind the dragon like giving a command to the dragon to attack or take something for him.
So these are some of cool dragon pictures, and I think the word "cool" is relative. that mean I think you have your own cool dragon for you or it's coolest dragon according to you, and if you want to search some other cool dragons again I think the dragon pictures or images in this blog are all cool :D and best like it's name best-dragon.blogspot.com. So what is your coolest dragon? maybe you can share it here and just feel free to share. Click to enlarge.