
Monday, April 30, 2012

Thunder Dragon

Thunder Dragon

Thunder Dragon-Dark Dragon

Thunder Dragon-Dark Dragon

Thunder Dragon-Dark Dragon

Thunder Dragon-Dark Dragon

Thunder dragon is beast dragon type that is very special, it's because it's element is the thunder, that perform them to has ability to fire the thunder or even lightening across the sky, they might shoot the thunder ability to their rivals or some other predator to attack them. Thunder dragon is dragon sky and flying dragon type, thunder dragons can fly over the sky and monitored land creatures from the sky.

Knowing their sky/flying dragon type, the thunder dragons may have other big activity it's to keep the sky from other aliens attack from other planets. Thunder dragons occupied on the sky, and it may be there also occupy other sky/flying dragon types like storm dragons, lightening dragons, and more flying dragons. Thunder dragons seldom to land on the earth, it may be only need when they need to hunt animals for feed and to look for the foods.