
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dragon Fruits Farm Part 1

Dragon Fruits Farm Part 1

Dragon Fruits Farm

Dragon Fruits Farm

Dragon Fruits Farm

Dragon Fruits Farm

Dragon Fruits Farm

Dragon Fruits Farm

Dragon Fruits Farm

Dragon Fruits Farm

Dragon fruit farming is easy and best as an addition to other farming products - just as practiced in this small fruit farm. Mixed farming always is much better than monoculture. This small farm was working entirely organic. No chemicals of any kind have been used. Mixed culture just like in jungle is more fertile and much more economical and more healthy for farmer, his family, all planet and the consumers alike.

Dragon fruit farming as practiced here is more or less maintenance free. Almost zero investment. Rejuvenation of the dragonfruit cactus plantation can always be done from your own cacti on an ongoing basis to always have healthy young dragonfruit cacti. Since the cacti grow fast, you may change location every few years within your own property.

Dragon fruit cacti bloom only in night time! In daytime the blossoms are completely closed. The cactus blossom pictures below are made from a time before sunrise until about less than one hour after sunrise. The latest dragon fruit flowers I photographed after 7 AM where closing more and more every few minutes. The exif data of the pictures taken are PHT, hence deduct one hour to have Cambodian local time KHT. Most of the below open dragonfruit flower pictures are taken around 0630 KHT. Sunrise was delayed by approx half an hour due to a nearby hill and due to slightly cloudy sky that early morning.

Dragon fruit flowers are extremely rich in pollen. Hence you see very early morning several bees on every open dragon fruit cactus blossom. High "bee traffic" with heavily loaded bee legs with a huge pollen pocket.
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